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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Castle of the Winds System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-06-21 03:25:48 Views : 25737 Cheat : Find your name.cwg file and open it with a hex editor. offset 94 is your hp offset 96 is your max hp offset 98 is your mana offset 9a is your max mana offset 04f6 is your cash (it works kinda in reverse i.e. 123456 is 563421 cash) *** be careful editing your cash, i had it move one me once, and corrupted the file*** 81&85 are your STR, one is current, and one is max 82&86 are your INT, one is current, and one is max 83&87 are your CON, one is current, and one is max 80&84 are your DEX, one is current, and one is max experience is at 09e,09f,0a0,0a1 (messing with this can have bad effects) the following have to do with spells, and their cost of mana... you will have to redo it after every level for best results. if you only do it once, then when gain a level, the cost of each spell will be normal for your level, but you will retain all spells. by continuing to redo these following adjustments every time, the cost should stay at 1 mana for every spell. offset = new value 01b2=01 01be=01 01d6=01 01ca=01 01e2=01 01ee=01 01fa=01 0206=01 0212=01 021e=01 022a=01 0236=01 0242=01 024e=01 025a=01 0266=01 0272=01 027e=01 028a=01 0296=01 02a2=01 Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Castle of the Winds cheat codes.
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